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Annual Report 2000 - 01

Certified Financial Statements

The Land Registry Trading Fund Profit and Loss Account

For the year ended 31 March 2001 Expressed in HK$'000

 Note2001 2000
Turnover3430,186 466,907
Operating costs4(342,418) (366,864)
Profit from operations 87,768 100,043
Other income525,109 19,585
Finance cost6(7,353) (8,977)
Profit before tax 105,524 110,651
Taxation7(13,235) (14,939)
Profit after tax 92,289 95,712
Dividend8(27,687) (28,714)
Rate of return on fixed assets925.7% 23.6%

There were no recognised gains or losses other than the profit after tax for the year.

K.A. Salkeld, J.P.
Land Registrar and General Manager,
Land Registry Trading Fund
5 September 2001

The Land Registry Trading Fund Balance Sheet

As at 31 March 2001 Expressed in HK$'000

  Note2001 2000
Non-current assets 
Fixed assets10360,329 405,239
Current assets 
Debtors and prepayments14,226 14,629
Amounts due from related parties5,211 16,167
Placements with banks371,440 309,300
Cash and bank balances829 1,549
 391,706 341,645
Current liabilities 
Deferred revenue113,464 3,064
Short-term borrowings1223,660 26,260
Interest payable to Government4,342 5,535
Customers' deposits1323,172 23,714
Creditors3,489 2,620
Amounts due to related parties22,717 29,944
Tax payable1,150 19,253
 81,994 110,390
Net current assets309,712 231,255
Total assets less current liabilities670,041 636,494
Non-current liabilities 
Deferred tax143,237 9,605
Government loan1547,320 70,980
NET ASSETS619,484 555,909
Trading fund capital16118,300 118,300
Retained earnings17473,497 408,895
Proposed dividend 827,687 28,714
 619,484 555,909

The Land Registry Trading Fund Cash flow Statement

For the year ended 31 March 2001 Expressed in HK$'000

 Note2001 2000
Operating activities    
Profit from operations 87,768 100,043
Depreciation and amortisation 56,315 69,667
Increase/(Decrease) in deferred revenue 400 (396)
Decrease in creditors and amounts due to related parties (6,358) (5,199)
(Decrease) /Increase in customers' deposits (542) 159
Decrease/(Increase) in debtors and amounts due from related parties 10,830 (6,092)
Net cash inflow from operating activities 148,413 158,182
Returns on investments and servicing of finance    
Rental received 2,302 2,302
Interest received 23,335 16,180
Interest paid (8,546) (11,166)
Dividend paid (28,714) (18,899)
Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (11,623) (11,583)

Notes on the Accounts

For the year ended 31 March 2001 Expressed in HK$'000

1. Status of the Land Registry Trading Fund

The Land Registry Trading Fund was established on 1 August 1993 under the Legislative Council Resolution passed on 30 June 1993 pursuant to sections 3, 4 and 6 of the Trading Funds Ordinance (Cap. 430). The Land Registry administers a land registration system by maintaining an up-to-date Land Register and provides its customers with services and facilities for searches of the Land Register and related land records. The Land Registry also processes applications for the incorporation of owners.

2. Accounting policies

Basis of accounting
The accounts have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Hong Kong.

Early adoption of Statement of Standard Accounting Practice
The Land Registry Trading Fund has adopted the revised Statement of Standard Accounting Practice No. 9 "Events After the Balance Sheet Date" issued by the Hong Kong Society of Accountants in January 2001. Following the adoption of this revised standard, dividends proposed or declared after the balance sheet date are no longer recognised as a liability at the balance sheet date but are disclosed as a separate component of equity on the face of the balance sheet. The accounting policy has been applied retrospectively. As a result, the proposed dividend of HK$28.714 million appearing in the balance sheet as at 31 March 2000 was reclassified as an item in Capital and Reserves.

Fixed assets
Fixed assets appropriated to the Land Registry Trading Fund on 1 August 1993 are stated at the value contained in the Legislative Council Resolution for the setting up of the Land Registry Trading Fund. Fixed assets acquired since 1 August 1993 and costing more than $100,000 on an individual basis are stated at their costs of acquisition.
For capital projects under development, the costs include the actual direct expenditure and staff costs for planning, design and supervision during the development period.

Depreciation and amortisation
Depreciation is provided on a straight-line basis calculated to write off the cost of assets less residual value over their estimated useful lives. The annual rates of depreciation used are :
Computer system20%
Equipment, furniture and fittings10% - 20%
Office car20%
Land is regarded as a non-depreciating asset.

Capital projects are amortised over a period of five years. Full year amortisation is charged if a project starts commissioning on or before 30 September of the year, while half-year amortisation is charged for a project commissioned after 30 September.

Deferred tax
Provision is made for deferred tax in respect of all material timing differences attributable to accelerated depreciation allowances on fixed assets except where it is considered that no liability will crystallise in the foreseeable future.

Revenue recognition
Revenue is recognised as services are provided. Interest income is recognised on an accrual basis.

Related parties
The Land Registry Trading Fund is a separate accounting entity within the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region established under the Trading Funds Ordinance (Cap. 430). During the year, the Land Registry Trading Fund has entered into transactions with various related parties, including Government bureaux and departments, trading funds and financially autonomous bodies controlled or significantly influenced by the Government, in the ordinary course of its business.

Cash equivalents
Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments which are readily convertible into known amounts of cash without notice and which were within three months of maturity when acquired.

3. Turnover

2001 2000
Registration of documents233,870241,926
Reports on title42,95152,928
Owners incorporation6,8336,691

4. Operating costs

2001 2000
Staff costs220,642222,415
General operating expenses20,19820,416
Computer service charges20,03027,428
Rental and management charges23,74725,392
Central administration overhead1,1371,215
Depreciation and amortisation56,31569,667
Audit fees349331

5. Other income

2001 2000
Rental income from Government2,3022,302
Bank deposits interest22,80717,283

6. Finance cost

2001 2000
Interest on
Government loans repaid and repayable within one year2,9932,959
Government loan repayable after one year4,3606,018

7. Taxation

Notional profits tax is provided at the rate of 16% (2000 : 16%). A payment in lieu of profits tax calculated on the basis of the provisions of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) will be made to the Government. Provision is made for deferred tax in respect of all material timing differences attributable to accelerated depreciation allowances on fixed assets except where it is considered that no liability will crystallise in the foreseeable future.

2001 2000
Notional profits tax19,45924,261
Under-provision/(Over-provision) in previous year144(1)
Deferred tax for the year Capital allowances less than related
depreciation charge(6,368)(9,321)
Taxation for the year13,23514,939

8. Dividend

A dividend of $27.687 million being 30% of the profit after tax is proposed for the year ended 31 March 2001 (2000 : $28.714 million).

9. Rate of return on fixed assets

This is calculated as a percentage of operating profit and interest income after taxation to Average Net Fixed Assets (ANFA). The Land Registry Trading Fund is expected to meet a target return of 10% per annum on ANFA as determined by the Financial Secretary.

10. Fixed assets

and Fittings


Cost or Valuation







At 1 April 2000350,000353,15524,1321923,800731,279
At 31 March 2001350,000364,56823,0591923,800741,619
Aggregate Depreciation/ Amortisation      
At 1 April 200025,674277,58718,950293,800326,040
Charge for the year3,85149,6832,74338-56,315
Written back on disposals--(1,065)--(1,065)
At 31 March 200129,525327,27020,628673,800381,290
Net Book Value      
At 31 March 2001320,47537,2982,431125-360,329
At 31 March 2000324,32675,5685,182163-405,239

11. Deferred revenue

This represents outstanding search tickets and subscription fees/other service charges received in advance of which services have not yet been rendered.

2001 2000
Search tickets6121,909
Subscription fees/other service charges2,8521,155
Balance at 31 March 20013,4643,064

12.Short-term borrowings

2001 2000
Government loan repayable within one year at 31 March 2001(see also note 15)
Set-up loan23,66023,660
Project/Working capital loan-2,600

13. Customers' deposits

2001 2000
Direct Access Services customers22,17222,714
Government departments1,0001,000
Balance at 31 March 200123,17223,714

14. Deferred tax

2001 2000
Balance at 1 April 20009,60518,926
Transfer to current taxation(6,368)(9,321)
Balance at 31 March 20013,2379,605

15. Government loan

2001 2000
Government loan repayable after one year at 31 March 200147,32070,980

A set-up loan of $236.6 million from the Capital Investment Fund was made in accordance with the resolution passed by the Legislative Council on 30 June 1993 to finance part of initial assets valued at $354.9 million appropriated to the Land Registry Trading Fund effective from 1 August 1993. The loan is repayable in ten equal annual instalments of $23.66 million starting from 1 August 1994. The eighth instalment due to be payable on 1 August 2001 is shown under short-term borrowings. The balance of $47.32 million shown under this item represents the balance of the loan after the eighth instalment.

A further loan facility of $160.7 million from the Capital Investment Fund was approved by the Finance Committee on 16 July 1993 to finance the capital projects under development and initial years' working capital of the Land Registry Trading Fund. The project/working capital loan was to be drawn as and when necessary during the four year period between 1993-94 and 1996-97 with a repayment period of five years. So far, only a drawdown of $13 million was made on 1 August 1995 and was fully repaid on 1 August 2000. On 21 February 1997, the Finance Committee approved an extension of the drawdown period of the estimated undrawn balance ($115 million) of the existing loan facility from 31 March 1997 to 31 March 2001. The drawdown period has now expired and no further extension of the loan facility has been made.

Interests for both loans are paid on the amount outstanding at the average of the best lending rates quoted by the continuing members of the Committee of the Hong Kong Association of Banks.

16. Trading fund capital

This represents the Government's investment in the Land Registry Trading Fund.

2001 2000
Balance at 1 April 2000118,300118,300
Balance at 31 March 2001118,300118,300

17. Retained earnings

2001 2000
Balance at 1 April 2000408,895341,897
Profit for the year92,28995,712
Proposed dividend(27,687)(28,714)
Balance at 31 March 2001473,497408,895

18. Analysis of changes in financing during the year

Government loan
(including short-term borrowings)
2001 2000
Balance at 1 April 200097,240123,500
Cash outflow from financing(26,260)(26,260)
Balance at 31 March 200170,98097,240

19. Analysis of the balances of cash and cash equivalents at end of year

2001 2000
Cash and bank balances8291,549
Placements with banks
(cash equivalents portion)146,44085,300

20. Related party transactions

21. Capital commitments

At 31 March 2001, the Land Registry Trading Fund had capital commitments, so far as not provided for in the financial statements, as follows :

2001 2000
Contracted for-6,600
Authorised but not contracted for209,000202,700

22. Comparative figures

Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform to the current year's presentation.