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Property Alert

Property is valuable!

  • Do you want to stay vigilant of what is happening to your property?
  • Do you want to be alerted when any instruments purporting to sell or mortgage your property without your knowledge have been submitted to the Land Registry for registration?

Being a property owner, the Land Registry’s Property Alert is surely your smart choice. By subscribing to Property Alert, if any instrument purporting to sell or mortgage your property without your knowledge has been submitted to the Land Registry for registration, the service will enable you to discover the situation at an early stage and take appropriate action such as seeking advice from lawyers so as to put your mind at ease.

Being a subscriber of Property Alert, you will ......

  • Receive an email alert of the delivery of any instrument for registration against your property, normally on the day following the date on which the instrument is delivered to the Land Registry for registration.
  • Get relevant particulars of the instrument, including the date, nature, date of delivery for registration and memorial number, from the email notification.
  • Be informed of the completion of or withdrawal from registration of the instrument.

How is Property Alert useful to you?

  • Helps you to detect as soon as possible any unexpected or suspicious instruments delivered for registration against your property so that you can take appropriate and prompt actions.
  • Saves you time and money as well as provides an easy and convenient means for you to keep track of instruments delivered for registration against your property, whether solely owned by you or jointly owned by you and others.

Property Alert is particularly useful, if……

  • Your property is vacant or rented out or is not occupied by you.
  • You are staying outside Hong Kong for extended periods of time (no matter you have rented out your property or not).
  • You do not have the title deeds of the property in your custody or you have lost them.
  • You want to be alerted as soon as your property is subjected to or may be affected by potential or actual disputes (e.g. bankruptcy order against the co-owner’s share, repair notice or order issued by the Building Authority, etc. has been lodged for registration).
Subscription Periods and Fees

A subscription fee is charged for each land register selected for Property Alert as follows:

Subscription PeriodOne-off Subscription*24 Months
(per land register)
New ApplicationHK$380HK$250
Renewal of Service
(for current subscriber only)
* The subscription will be valid until a change of property ownership, thus hassle-free as there is no need to renew the Service.
Application for Subscription to Property Alert


New Application

To make an application, you must be the current owner shown on the land register of the property concerned and have to complete an application form for subscription to Property Alert ( PDF format )( MS Word format )( Online form ) and submit the completed application form by post/courier service, in person or online to the Land Registry.

For application by post/courier service, please send the completed application form together with copy of your identification document and an additional document for identity proof to our Customer Centre on 19/F, Queensway Government Offices or any of our New Territories Search Offices. Examples of the additional document for identity proof include travel documents issued by the HKSAR Government, passports or travel documents issued by foreign competent authorities, Business Registration Certificate (for corporate owner), utility bill, Demand for Rates and/or Government Rent, tax return, bank statement, etc. As for other types of identity proof, they shall be considered on a case-by-case basis. For application by post, please ensure that sufficient postage is paid to avoid unsuccessful delivery. Any underpaid mails will be handled by the Hongkong Post and the Land Registry will not settle the relevant surcharge payment for underpaid mails.

For application in person, please visit our Customer Centre on 19/F, Queensway Government Offices or any of our New Territories Search Offices with the completed application form and your identification document for verification to our satisfaction. If the application is submitted by the representative of a corporate owner, the representative is required to produce his/her identification document for our verification together with a duly signed authorization form,i.e. Annex II of the application form for subscription to Property Alert ( PDF format )( MS Word format ) . The representative is also required to make a statutory declaration, i.e. Annex III of the application form ( PDF format )( MS Word format ) to support the application.

For online application by individual owner, please complete the online form and digitally sign the form with iAM Smart+ or digital certificate issued by the Hongkong Post Certification Authority or Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited.  Provision of copy of your identification document and an additional document for identity proof may be dispensed with. For online application by corporate owner, please complete the online form, digitally sign the form with your organizational digital certificate issued by the Hongkong Post Certification Authority or Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited and submit your application together with copy of your certificate of incorporation and an additional document for identity proof. Examples of the additional document for identity proof are stated in the second paragraph above.

If there is any discrepancy in the name between the proof of identity and the land register concerned or the identification document number provided is different from that contained in the registered instrument under which you acquired the property concerned, additional supporting document is required to be produced to our satisfaction.


Renewal of Service (for current subscriber of 24-month subscription only)

If you are a current subscriber of 24-month subscription and wish to renew the service for a selected land register, you have to complete an application form for subscription to Property Alert ( PDF format )( MS Word format )( Online form ) and submit the completed application form by post/courier service, in person or online to the Land Registry.

For application by post/courier service, please send the completed application form together with copy of your identification document and an additional document for identity proof to our Customer Centre on 19/F, Queensway Government Offices or any of our New Territories Search Offices. Examples of the additional document for identity proof include travel documents issued by the HKSAR Government, passports or travel documents issued by foreign competent authorities, Business Registration Certificate (for corporate owner), utility bill, Demand for Rates and/or Government Rent, tax return, bank statement, etc. As for other types of identity proof, they shall be considered on a case-by-case basis. For application by post, please ensure that sufficient postage is paid to avoid unsuccessful delivery. Any underpaid mails will be handled by the Hongkong Post and the Land Registry will not settle the relevant surcharge payment for underpaid mails.

For application in person, please visit our Customer Centre on 19/F, Queensway Government Offices or any of our New Territories Search Offices with the completed application form and your identification document for verification to our satisfaction. If the application is submitted by the representative of a corporate owner, the representative is required to produce his/her identification document for our verification together with a duly signed authorization form, i.e. Annex II of the application form for subscription to Property Alert ( PDF format )( MS Word format ). The representative is also required to make a statutory declaration, i.e. Annex III of the application form ( PDF format )( MS Word format ) to support the application.

For online application by individual owner, please complete the online form and digitally sign the form with iAM Smart+ or digital certificate issued by the Hongkong Post Certification Authority or Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited. Provision of copy of your identification document and an additional document for identity proof may be dispensed with. For online application by corporate owner, please complete the online form, digitally sign the form with your organizational digital certificate issued by the Hongkong Post Certification Authority or Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited and submit your application together with copy of your certificate of incorporation and an additional document for identity proof. Examples of the additional document for identity proof are stated in the second paragraph above.

If there is any discrepancy in the name between the proof of identity and the land register concerned or the identification document number provided is different from that contained in the registered instrument under which you acquired the property concerned, additional supporting document is required to be produced to our satisfaction.

If an application for renewal of subscription for a selected land register for another 24-month subscription is duly made and delivered to the Land Registry before the deadline for renewal, namely, not less than 7 calendar days before the expiry of the current subscription period ("renewal deadline"), the subscription fee will be charged at the rate for service renewal. After the renewal deadline for a selected land register or after the termination of the service for a selected land register for whatever reason, if you wish to subscribe to the service for that same land register again, you are required to submit a fresh application and the subscription fee will be charged at the same rate as a new application.


Verification Code

When the e-Alert Service for subscription by property owners was launched in July 2015, subscribers were given an option to apply for a unique Verification Code relating to his/her subscriber account to enable him/her to make application by post/courier service for service renewal or change of particulars. Upon the e-Alert Service renamed as Property Alert with effect from 28 January 2019, new subscribers are no longer given the option to apply for a Verification Code and no new Verification Code will be issued.

If you are a subscriber of the previous e-Alert Service and a Verification Code has been assigned to you, you may continue to use the Verification Code in making application for service renewal or change of particulars. If a correct and valid Verification Code is provided in the application form, the requirement of production of identification document, additional document for identity proof, (where applicable) authorization form and statutory declaration as stated in (a) above may be dispensed with. If you are unable to provide the Verification Code in the application form, you are required to submit copy of your identification document and an additional document for identity proof as mentioned in (a) above (except for online application submitted by individual owner). You may also refer to the notes in the application form for subscription to Property Alert ( PDF format )( MS Word format )( Online form ) for examples of additional document for identity proof. If an incorrect or invalid Verification Code is given in the application form, your application will be rejected and you will be notified to submit a fresh application.

Payment Methods


Submission in person

  • Cash
  • Credit Card (VISA / Mastercard)
  • Crossed cheque / bank draft / cashier’s order
  • EPS
  • FPS
  • Octopus

Our service hours are Mondays to Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (excluding public holidays).


Submission by post / courier service

  • Crossed cheque / bank draft / cashier’s order


Online submission

  • Credit Card (VISA / Mastercard / UnionPay / JCB)
  • PPS
  • FPS
  • Apple Pay / Google Pay (VISA / Mastercard only)
  • e-Cheque

The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (including public holidays).

Application for Change of Account Information or Subscription Details

During the subscription period, if you wish to change your account information or subscription details, you have to complete an application form for change of particulars ( PDF format )( MS Word format )( Online form ) and submit the completed application form by post/courier service, in person or online not less than 7 calendar days before the intended date of change specified in the form to the Land Registry.

For application by post/courier service, please send the completed application form together with copy of your identification document and an additional document for identity proof to our Customer Centre on 19/F, Queensway Government Offices or any of our New Territories Search Offices. Examples of the additional document for identity proof include travel documents issued by the HKSAR Government, passports or travel documents issued by foreign competent authorities, Business Registration Certificate (for corporate owner), utility bill, Demand for Rates and/or Government Rent, tax return, bank statement, etc. As for other types of identity proof, they shall be considered on a case-by-case basis. For application by post, please ensure that sufficient postage is paid to avoid unsuccessful delivery. Any underpaid mails will be handled by the Hongkong Post and the Land Registry will not settle the relevant surcharge payment for underpaid mails.

For application in person, please visit our Customer Centre on 19/F, Queensway Government Offices or any of our New Territories Search Offices with the completed application form and produce your identification document for verification to our satisfaction. If the application is submitted by the representative of a corporate owner, the representative is required to produce his/her identification document for our verification together with a duly signed authorization form, i.e. Annex II of the application form for change of particulars ( PDF format )( MS Word format ). The representative is also required to make a statutory declaration, i.e. Annex III of the application form ( PDF format )( MS Word format ) to support the application.

For online application by individual owner, please complete the online form and digitally sign the form with iAM Smart+ or digital certificate issued by the Hongkong Post Certification Authority or Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited. Provision of copy of your identification document and an additional document for identity proof may be dispensed with. For online application by corporate owner, please complete the online form, digitally sign the form with your organizational digital certificate issued by the Hongkong Post Certification Authority or Digi-Sign Certification Services Limited and submit your application together with copy of your certificate of incorporation and an additional document for identity proof. Examples of the additional document for identity proof are stated in the second paragraph above.

If there is any discrepancy in the name between the proof of identity and the land register concerned or the identification document number provided is different from that contained in the registered instrument under which you acquired the property concerned, additional supporting document is required to be produced to our satisfaction.

If you are a subscriber of the previous e-Alert Service and a Verification Code mentioned in (c) under "Application for Subscription to Property Alert" above has been assigned to you, you may continue to use the Verification Code in making application for change of particulars. If a correct and valid Verification Code is provided in the application form, the requirement of production of identification document, additional document for identity proof, (where applicable) authorization form and statutory declaration as mentioned above may be dispensed with. If you are unable to provide the Verification Code in the application form, you are required to submit copy of your identification document and an additional document for identity proof as mentioned in the second paragraph above (except for online application submitted by individual owner). You may also refer to the notes in the application form for change of particulars ( PDF format )( MS Word format )( Online form ) for examples of additional document for identity proof. If an incorrect or invalid Verification Code is given in the application form, your application will be rejected and you will be notified to submit a fresh application.

Termination of Service

The service subscribed for a land register will be terminated if the subscriber ceases to be the current owner of the property concerned or if the land register has been closed by the Land Registry (e.g. opening of a new land register in replacement of the previous one due to subdivision of the land). Under these circumstances, a termination notification will be sent to the subscriber by email. There will be no refund of any part of the subscription fee.


For enquiries, please contact us by

Calling our Customer Service Hotline at 3105 0000
Writing to:The Land Registry
  19th Floor, Queensway Government Offices
  66 Queensway
  Hong Kong
  (Property Alert)
  The Land Registry
  Freepost No.10
  Hong Kong
  (Property Alert)
Fax No.:2596 0281