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Land Registry Circular Memorandum (LRCM)

Land Registry Circular Memorandum No. 1/94

27 January 1994

Search of Computerized Land Registers


  1. The retrieval of records from the computerized land registers in the Urban Land Registry is made by reference to the address of a property. When the proper address is given in a search ticket, the Registry can make available a computer print-out of the relevant land register within 30 minutes at peak hours and a shorter duration at other times. However, if the address stated in the search ticket does not match with that recorded in the computerized register, a much longer time will be required to produce a computer print-out because of extra efforts involved in identifying the relevant register. lf the address is incomplete, the search ticket will have to be returned to the searcher for clarification.
  2. The Land Registry has recently enhanced its computer system to allow a lot number to be used as an alternative retrieval key. This has reduced the search time in cases where the addresses do not match. The Registry now makes regular announcements through the public address system in the public search area to request searchers to provide lot number in their search tickets in order to avoid unnecessary delay.
  3. Solicitors are requested to ask their search clerks to provide lot number in the "Miscellaneous Description" docket of a search ticket, in addition to providing the full address of a property in the appropriate space, for computer searches in the Urban Land Registry.
  4. The above request does not apply to searches made in the District Land Registries in the New Territories where land registers have not yet been computerized.
  5. For enquiries, please contact Mr Daniel WONG (now changed to Miss Cherie CHOW), at telephone number 867 2881 (now changed to 3105 0000).

(Kenneth T.W. PANG)
Land Registrar