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Deed Registration Process

Flowchart on Registration Procedures

Flowchart on Registration Procedures Generate Memorial Day Book Prepare, certify and deliver the instruments and memorials for registration Check and receive payment, lodgement list, instruments and memorials Allot memorial nos. by the Integrated Registration Information System (IRIS) and generate receipt Data input the information in memorials into IRIS Verify the information in instruments against existing land records Update land records Raise requisitions and withhold the instruments from registration Affix certification labels with a printed signature on registered instruments Image the withheld instruments at Central Imaging Centre Image the registered instruments at Central Imaging Centre Return the withheld instruments to lodging party by courier service Return registered instruments to lodging party by courier service Amend and re-deliver the instruments to complete registration Party responsible The Land Registry Solicitor's Firm

After the lodging solicitors have prepared, certified and delivered the instruments and memorials for registration, Land Registry staff will follow the following registration procedures:

  • Check and receive payment, lodgment list, instruments and memorials.
  • Allot memorial numbers by the system and generate receipt.
  • Input the information contained in the memorial into the Integrated Registration Information System and a Memorial Day Book will be generated on the next day.
  • Verify the information in instruments against existing land records.
  • Update the land records if no discrepancy is found during the verification process.
  • Affix certification labels with a printed signature on registered instruments
  • Image the registered instruments at Central Imaging Centre.
  • Return registered instruments to the lodging solicitors by courier service.

If discrepancy is found during the verification process, Land Registry staff will:

  • Raise requisitions and withhold the instruments from registration.
  • Image the withheld instruments at Central Imaging Centre.
  • Return the withheld instruments to the lodging solicitors by courier service.

If the lodging solicitors have amended and re-delivered the withheld instruments to the Land Registry to complete registration, Land Registry staff will repeat the registration procedures again starting from verification of instruments.