
Service Updates

E-Alert Service

E-Alert Service

Property owners and mortgagee Authorised Institutions under the Banking Ordinance (Cap. 155) (i.e. licensed banks, restricted licence banks and deposit-taking companies) (AIs) can now enjoy the benefits of our e-Alert Service for AIs. The case of Mr Chan below will tell you more about the Service.

E-Alert Service

Mr Chan has just bought a property. When he made an application for a mortgage loan with a bank, he was invited to sign a consent form for the bank to subscribe to the e-Alert Service for AIs. He is puzzled why he was requested to give such consent.

Useful Information

Useful Information

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) notices that there have been cases where mortgage borrowers have further mortgaged their properties without seeking prior consent from the original mortgagee AIs. Starting from 1 February 2017, the HKMA expects AIs engaging in mortgage lending business to subscribe to an e-Alert Service provided by the Land Registry for all new mortgage loan applications (including top-up mortgage loans) to enhance credit risk management.

AIs will receive electronic notifications from the Land Registry when further charge/mortgage documents in respect of the properties mortgaged to the AIs concerned are lodged for registration with the Land Registry. To subscribe to the e-Alert Service for AIs, AIs must obtain written consent from the property owner(s) concerned in compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486). That is why Mr Chan was asked to sign a consent form for his mortgagee bank to subscribe to the e-Alert Service for AIs when he made an application for a mortgage loan.

E-Alert Service

Mr Chan also wants to be notified of any charge/mortgage documents submitted for registration against his property. He wonders if he can receive electronic notifications relating to his property from the Land Registry as well if his mortgagee bank has subscribed to the e-Alert Service for AIs.

Useful Information

Useful Information

As the property owner, if Mr Chan gives his consent by signing the consent form and provides his email address in the consent form, he may opt to receive same electronic notifications relating to his property issued to his mortgagee bank by the Land Registry under the e-Alert Service for AIs. He will receive an email alert when a charge/mortgage document is delivered to the Land Registry for registration against his property, normally on the day following the date on which the document is delivered to the Land Registry. He will get relevant particulars of the document, including the date, memorial number, nature of the document and date of delivery for registration, from the email notification. By using the memorial number provided in the email notification, he may order (with the payment of the prescribed fee i.e. HK$100) a copy of the charge/mortgage document for reference upon completion of registration.

E-Alert Service

Mr Chan has decided to give consent to his mortgagee bank for subscribing to the e-Alert Service for AIs and opt to receive electronic notifications about the lodgement of charge/mortgage documents for registration against his property. He would like to know if he needs to pay for the electronic notifications issued to him by the Land Registry.

Useful Information

Useful Information

The Land Registry will only charge Mr Chan's mortgagee bank for its subscription to the e-Alert Service for AIs and will not charge him any fee for such a notification arrangement. The Service will cover the whole term of the mortgage as long as Mr Chan does not withdraw the consent given.

E-Alert Service

Mr Chan has a mortgage-free property. He finds the electronic notifications useful in alerting him to any unexpected charge/mortgage documents submitted for registration against his property. He would like to know if he can subscribe to the e-Alert Service for AIs on his own.

Useful Information

Useful Information

The e-Alert Service for AIs is not available for subscription by property owners. However, Mr Chan may subscribe to the e-Alert Service for property owners provided by the Land Registry whereby he will receive an email alert of the delivery of any instrument for registration against his property. The e-Alert Service for property owners saves Mr Chan's time and costs as well as provides an easy and convenient means to keep track of instruments delivered for registration against his property. It also facilitates Mr Chan to take appropriate and prompt action if unexpected instruments were submitted for registration against his property, in particular if his property is subjected to or may be affected by potential or actual disputes (e.g. registration of bankruptcy order against the co-owner's share, repair notices or orders issued by the Building Authority, etc.).

The subscription fee for the e-Alert Service for property owners is HK$225 for one year or HK$250 for two years. Mr Chan may obtain further information on the Service here or call our Customer Service Hotline at 3105 0000.

Sale of Street Index (49th edition) and New Territories Lot / Address Cross Reference Table (18th edition)

If you wish to correlate property addresses, building names or lot numbers for conducting land searches, the new Street Index (SI) and the New Territories Lot/Address Cross Reference Table (CRT) are here to help.

In the new SI, over 470 amendments with 7 new streets and 54 new lots/sections/subsections have been added. For the new CRT, 2,300 amendments have been made and 14 new streets and 1,334 new lots/sections/subsections have been updated.

The cost of the new editions of the SI and CRT compact discs is HK$370 each. The respective license fees are HK$2,960 for a computer network linked to less than 50 terminals and HK$5,920 if linked to 50 terminals or more. The order forms can be downloaded here.

There are also free services of the SI and CRT. Online versions of the new editions of the SI and CRT for free browsing are available here. These versions are also available through a hyperlink on the IRIS website.

Sale of Street Index (49th edition) and New Territories Lot / Address Cross Reference Table (18th edition)
Sale of Street Index (49th edition) and New Territories Lot / Address Cross Reference Table (18th edition)

Performance Pledges 2017/2018

We are committed to providing quality and efficient customer and telephone enquiry services to our customers. In this regard, we have enhanced the following service standards for 2017/2018 :

Service Enhanced Service Standard Target Performance
(% meeting target standard)

1. Supply of certified copies of land records over the counter

Supply of certified copies of land records over the counter
  • Land registers
  • Enhanced from 40 minutes to 35 minutes
  • 97
  • Imaged copies without oversized plans
  • Enhanced from 40 minutes to 35 minutes
  • 97

2. Telephone enquiry service

Telephone enquiry service
  • Voice mail left during office hours
  • Time to return calls enhanced from within 60 minutes to within 40 minutes after receiving the voice mail
  • 94

The Performance Pledges for 2017/2018 have come into effect from 1 April 2017. You can view here or obtain the information leaflets at the offices of the Land Registry.

Annual Validation of Customer Records

As an annual exercise for updating the information in our customer management system to facilitate effective communication with our customers, invitations were sent out in November 2016 to all subscribers of the Integrated Registration Information System (IRIS) Online Services and customers using the deeds lodgement services for providing up-to-date customer data by completing a Customer Data Form. A total of 462 completed Forms had been received through the exercise.

Annual Validation of Customer Records

Customers may also download the Change of Account Particulars Form to update their records whenever necessary.

IRIS Enhancements

With improving customer experience and user-friendliness in mind, we launched the following enhancements to the IRIS Online Services in December 2016 and March 2017 respectively:

  • add Portable Document Format (PDF) for delivery methods including "By Download", "View by Browser" and "By Email" in addition to the existing Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) file format as an alternative for search orders of land register and unposted memorial information as well as statements for subscribers;
  • validate email addresses inputted by customers and prompt an alert message when possible invalid email address domain is detected;
  • support bilingual input for Street Name and Development Name (see screen shot below); and
  • provide date picker feature for date input fields.

Support bilingual input for Street Name and Development Name

Title Registration

A Land Titles Ordinance (LTO) Steering Committee meeting was held in December 2016 at which the latest consolidated proposals including the revised rectification and indemnity provisions as well as the different options for converting existing land to title registration system were discussed. Members generally had no adverse view on the revised rectification and indemnity provisions. As regards the conversion options, the majority of members indicated that title registration might be implemented on new land first. While continuing the exchange of views with members on the outstanding issues concerning conversion and exploring the new land first option, we will conduct a study of the latest developments regarding title registration legislation and good practices being adopted in several overseas common law jurisdictions in order to enhance our proposals as necessary. In parallel, we will continue with the review of the LTO and work on the proposed amendments to the LTO.