The Land Registry 2006/07 Annual Report

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Operations and Customer Service

Customer Service

Service is at the core of the Land Registry's mission. In the context of customer service, we will not hesitate to review, rethink and revamp the way we work so as to serve our customers better. We rely on many different relationships to deliver services successfully to the community. Our aim is to create partnerships of trust that help to give better service to all. We depend on our customers for feedback on the quality of our services and ideas for improvement. We listen carefully to them and seek solutions that help customers as well as achieve our objectives. We therefore have a number of communication channels, both formal and informal, helping us to maintain an open dialogue with our customers. We have a dedicated Management and Customer Services Division that is responsible for planning and coordinating customer service.

Our established aims are:

We value all customers' feedback as it provides vital information and valuable insights to help us make sure that we meet our customers' needs.

In 2006/07, the Customer Service Manager received over 190 commendations, suggestions and complaints from our customers through the Customer Service Hotline, Land Registry website, comment cards and letters.

Number of Commendations, Suggestions and
Complaints Received in 2006/07
Commendations 168
Suggestions 14
Complaints 11

Appreciation from members of public is passed on to staff who have provided excellent service. Public recognition gives all of us greater incentive to strive for even better quality service. Customers' suggestions and complaints are recorded, analysed and followed up to help us continue to improve our services.

Customer Comment Cards and Suggestion Boxes are provided in all our offices to collect customers' feedback and suggestions about the services provided.

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