The Land Registry Annual Report 2003/04Securing your property, Supporting an open market
The Land Registry Annual Report 2003/04

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Securing your property, Supporting an open market


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Land Registration System

The Land Registration System comprises the Land Registry's fully computerised system for the storage of historical and current information on property particulars, including owners’ names and encumbrances. In August 2003, a standing programme was developed for the generation of monthly statistics on unsold flats in relation to the flat supply of the property market for the Housing Department.


Direct Access Services

The Direct Access Services is an online land search facility introduced in 1994. 79% of land searches and 70% of orders for copies of documents are being made through this service.


Document Imaging System

The Document Imaging System is the Land Registry's fully computerised system for secure storage and retrieval of land documents. As part of the ongoing IT improvements, the Openspool qserver (i.e. the printing software) was upgraded in June 2003 and the fax servers and formatting computers were tuned up in August and September to improve the stability and efficiency of the system.


Street Index Compact Disc

The Street Index was first compiled in the 19th century. In the 35th edition issued in 2003/04, 19 new streets and 163 new lots/sections/subsections were added.


New Territories Lot/Address Cross Reference Table Compact Disc

The New Territories Lot/Address Cross Reference Table (CRT) was first compiled in 2000. In the 4th edition issued in 2003/04, 41 new streets and 3,166 new lots/sections/subsections were added.

In response to the customers’ feedback, a licensing arrangement for the sale of the 35th edition of Street Index and the 4th edition of CRT was introduced for purchasers with more than one computer terminal linked by a computer network. Under the new arrangement, a licence fee of HK$2,000 for a computer network linked with less than 50 terminals and HK$4,000 for a computer network linked with 50 terminals or more were charged. To tie in with the new licensing arrangement, the sale of the 35th edition of Street Index was synchronised with the 4th edition of CRT to April 2003. The price was reduced from HK$300 to HK$250 for each copy.


Colour Imaging of Plans
The Colour Imaging of Plans is one of the IT improvement projects to enhance the quality of colour plans provided to customers. The Land Registry completed digitising the plans attached to over 3.5 million registered documents in 2002. Conversion of incoming plans into electronic colour images is still underway. All the converted images are now stored securely on CD-ROMs for retrieval and will be migrated to the Integrated Registration Information System in future.

Development Projects and New Services

Operations and Customer Focus

Performance Pledges

Customer Focus

Human Resources Development

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Securing your property, Supporting an open market

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