The Land Titles Ordinance

1. The revised Land Titles Bill was passed by the Legislative Council on 7 July 2004. The enacted Land Titles Ordinance (Cap. 585) (LTO) (pdf format) was gazetted on 23 July 2004.

2. The LTO will not be brought into effect until a number of outstanding issues have been dealt with. These are set out in Appendix VI to the Report of the Legislative Council Bills Committee. In addition, the Land Registry needs to develop IT systems to support title registration. Working committees, involving the Law Society of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Bar Association, the Hong Kong Association of Banks, the Estate Agents Authority and other interested parties, as well as staff from the Land Registry and other Government departments have been set up to undertake the follow-up and preparatory work. Information on the progress and more detailed guides to the legislation and the procedures that will be adopted when it comes into effect will be presented on this website regularly.